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Winners - Bi-Monthly Competition - September/October 2022
Best Feature Film:
Diamond Award: THE SEASONS, four love stories (Dir. Paul Schwartz)
Platinum Award: Covid Karma (Dir. Biju Viswanath)
Gold Award: Tummyache (Dir. Sasha Dulerayn)
Silver Award: Burning Stone (Dir. Tyler Braden Brunner)
Best Short Film:
Diamond Awards:
The Call of Water (Dir. Kaya Tone)
Milton (Dir. Kevin Machate)
We Should Be Strangers (Dir. Nicolas Taylor)
Platinum Awards:
Spirit (Dir. Jesse Lawrence Welch)
Reckoning (Dir. Yasunori Tanaka)
Hangnail (Dir. Brian Parks)
Gold Awards:
MING (Dir. Michael Scordakis)
The one hundred (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
End of a fairy tale (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Silver Awards:
Brotherhood (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Tiger is coming (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
BLANK FUGITIVE (Dir. Michael Boston)
Bronze Award:
Lost Dog Reward (Dir. Jon Croft)
1 plus 4, I love you all (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Stella & Max An Urban Luv Story (Dir. Katharine Cox & Brandon Lee Johnson)
Best Documentary Feature:
Diamond Award: House of David "Life Everlasting" (Dir. Robbie D Byrd)
Platinum Award: Creativity (Dir. Andrew Winegarner)
Best Documentary Short:
Diamond Awards:
We're not making Gone with the Wind (Dir. Paul Cooke)
Monrovia (Dir. Ronan Arthur)
Platinum Awards:
The Conspiratologist (Dir. Stephen Bradford & Justin Jay Jones)
A fight I did not pick on (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Gold Awards:
Energy for the 7 brothers (Dir. James Chen)
Liz Truss according to Nostradamus (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Silver Awards:
The forgotten and the lost (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Santa Fe Resident (Dir. Terry Ngo)
Bronze Awards:
The story of Queen Elizabeth II (Chinese) (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Nostradamus on Disaster - Quake (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Best Animation Short:
Diamond Award: All But Harmony (Dir. Yamin Rasheed)
Best Experimental Short:
Diamond Award: NT3 (Dir. Kendrick Whiteman)
Platinum Award: Macrophoto (Dir. Michael Jay Tucker)
Gold Award: Sleepwalker (Dir. Kendrick Whiteman)
Best New Mexico Short:
Diamond Award: Shipping Them (Dir. Ryan Rox)
Platinum Award: Harbinger (Dir. Alex Jack)
Gold Award: Vengeance Saloon (Dir. James E Blackburn)
Silver Award: That Tingling Sensation (Dir. Ryan Rox)
Bronze Award: NT3 (Dir. Kendrick Whiteman)
Best Pilot / Web Series:
Diamond Award: Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid (Dir. Matt Holt)
Best Music Video:
Diamond Award: Break the Fall (Dir. Trenton Oliver & Yan Zhang)
Best Trailer:
Diamond Award: Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid (Dir. Matt Holt)
Best Director:
Diamond Award: Matt Holt (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Alex Jack (Harbinger)
Gold Award: Michael Scordakis (MING)
Best Screenplay:
Diamond Award: Wayne Kelly and Keith Large (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Wei-Jen Liao (MING)
Best Actor:
Diamond Award: Gabriel Lockwood (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Christopher Annino (Covid Karma)
Gold Award: J'Moi Powell (Harbinger)
Silver Award: Dominic Olivo (MING)
Bronze Award: Michael Boston (BLANK FUGITIVE)
Best Actress:
Diamond Award: Eleanor Burke (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Leah Livingston (Harbinger)
Gold Award: Wei-Jen Liao (MING)
Best Supporting Actor:
Diamond Award: Peter McManus (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Jim Jones (MING)
Best Supporting Actress:
Diamond Award: Joanne Wells (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Jeanne Young (MING)
Best Editing:
Diamond Award: Matt Holt (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Best Cinematography:
Diamond Award: Matt Holt (Wheel Gone Kid Three And A Half-Plane Stupid)
Platinum Award: Adam Merica & Michael Scordakis (MING)
Best Original Score:
Diamond Award: Lori Laitman (Sarong Song)
Platinum Award: Tyler Brunner (Burning Stone)
Best Sound Design:
Diamond Award: Kendrick Whiteman (NT3)
Platinum Award: Kendrick Whiteman (Sleepwalker)
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