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Winners - Bi-Monthly Competition - July/August 2021

Best Feature Film:

Diamond Awards:
Fisher (Dir. Cassandra Bryson)
Along Came Wanda (Dir. Jan Miller Corran)

Platinum Awards:
Nightjar (Dir. Mason McCabe)

Gold Award: Serial (Dir. Antonio Jefferson)
Silver Award: Life Ain't Like The Movies (Dir. Robert Butler)
Bronze Award: "Breasts and Thighs" (Dir. Goldie Krauss)

Best Short Film:

Diamond Awards:
Dreamer (Dir. Vergi Rodriguez & Diana Zollicoffer)

Platinum Awards:
Millennial (Dir. Ryan Thomas)
Creeped Out (Dir. Matt Holt)
Heathens (Dir. Marlene Emilia Rios)

Gold Awards:
ROOM 1403 (Dir. Masaaki Mitsuyasu)
In Our Own Hands (Dir. Jennifer Varenchik)
Killer Miller (Dir. Austin Spicer)

Silver Awards:
T.H.O.T? (Dir. Jayson Johnson)
Last?Chance (Dir. Darryl Gardner)

Bronze Award:
Small Talk (Dir. Gabriel Vincent)
Nature Morte - Pandemic Dance No. 3 (Dir. Richard Daniels)

Best Documentary Feature:
Diamond Award: Rigged (Tracy MacDonald)
Platinum Award: magone - A STUDY ON “THE CROSSROADS OF FATE” BY TSUCHIDA YASUHIK (Dir. Atsushi Tanabe)
Gold Award: Sparks-The Ken Sparks Story (Dir. Jeff Joslin)
Silver Award: The Artist - A Documentary (Dir. Peter Tompkins)
Bronze Award: Three Corners of Deception (Dir. Dr. Meleeka Clary)

Best Documentary Short:

Diamond Awards:
In a Whole New Way (Dir. Jonathan Fisher)
The fulfilling of prophecies - Summer 2021 (Dir. Shihyun Wang)

Platinum Award: Prophecy Doomsday - Tui Bei 46 (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Gold Award: Prophecy Doomsday - Nostradamus (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Silver Award: Prophecy Doomsday - Missile Fight (Dir. Shihyun Wang)
Bronze Award: The Lives of Immigrants in South Korea (Se Eun Pak)

Best Animation Short:
Diamond Award: IXESTUM (Dir. Kipp Jarden)

Best Experimental Short:

Diamond Awards:
Three (Dir. Soyeon Kim)
Les Dieux Changeants (Dir Lucio Arese)

Platinum Awards:
The Longing (aka Hiraeth) (Dir. Cas Taylor)
The Three And The End (Dir. Michael Jay Tucker)

Gold Award: Decade (Dir. Paul Michael Rodgers)
Silver Award: Dreams of Emmett Till (Dir. Bobby Field)
Bronze Award: Psychic Psycho (Dir. Kevin Oko & Madison McMahon)

Best New Mexico Short:
Diamond Award: Unresolved Phenomena (Dir. Jac Roberts)

Best Pilot / Web Series:
Diamond Award: Pandemic Stories (Dir. Raphaello)
Platinum Award: Couples Therapy (Dir. Katie Chonacas)
Gold Award: Donna On The Go: STAIRS (Dir. Peggy Lane)

Best Music Video:
Diamond Award: Low Clouds (Dir. Matías Ezequiel Vazquez)
Platinum Award: Tony Roddy - Prophets (Dir. Jac Roberts)
Gold Award: Tony Roddy - Sunlight (Dir. Jac Roberts)

Best Trailer:
Diamond Award: Fisher (Dir. Cassandra Bryson)
Platinum Award: Three Corners of Deception (Dir. Dr. Meleeka Clary)

Best Director:
Diamond Award: Cassandra Bryson (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Matt Holt (Creeped Out)
Gold Award: Darryl Gardner (Last?Chance)
Silver Award: Peggy Lane (Donna On The Go: STAIRS)

Best Screenplay:
Diamond Award: Lynn Elliott (Alta California)
Platinum Award: Keith Large (Creeped Out)
Gold Award: R.J. Hendricks II (Killer Miller)
Silver Award: Kevin Oko & Madison McMahon (Psychic Psycho)

Best Actor:
Diamond Award: Peter McManus (Creeped Out)
Platinum Award: Kevin Oko (Psychic Psycho)

Best Actress:
Diamond Award: Lilly Leann Wright (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Rita Jagpal-Mohan (Creeped Out)
Gold Award: Katie Chonacas (Couples Therapy)
Silver Award: Katie Conley (Psychic Psycho)

Best Supporting Actor:
Diamond Award: Stuart Horobin (Creeped Out)

Best Supporting Actress:
Diamond Award: Jessie Bell (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Catherine Harris (Creeped Out)

Best Editing:
Diamond Award: Brian Parks (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Matt Holt (Creeped Out)

Best Cinematography:
Diamond Award: Brian Parks (Fisher)

Best Original Score:
Diamond Award: Kevin Czaja (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Kanoa Wolfe-Doblin (Along Came Wanda)

Best Sound Design:
Diamond Award: Nick Bozzone (Fisher)
Platinum Award: Cas Taylor (The Longing (aka Hiraeth))

January/February 2021 Winners
March/April 2021 Winners
May/June 2021 Winners

2020 Winners
2019 Winners
2018 Winners
2017 Winners